This right covers the personal data that you provide to an organisation. It also covers your personal data resulting from the observation of your activities. This includes, for example, the data that is generated by connected devices, such as wearables and smart meters. This right only applies when your data is processed on the basis of your consent or for the performance of a contract. It also only applies if your data is processed by automated means (paper files are excluded).
Ovo pravo pokriva samo one podatke o ličnosti koje ste vi dali organizaciji. To znači da su takođe pokriveni podaci koji su nastali na osnovu posmatranja i praćenja vaših aktivnosti. Ovo uključuje, na primer, podatke koji su generisani upotrebom uređaja kao što su pametni satovi ili uređaji koji imaju aplikacije za računanje fizičkih aktivnosti (npr. brojanje koraka).
This right only applies when your data is processed on the basis of your consent or for the performance of a contract. It also only applies if your data is processed by automated means (paper files are excluded).